That is why it is important that every time you use an http_request statement in the script to open an HTTP connection, you need a corresponding http_disconnect statement that closes the connection. 那就是为什么在你每次使用一个脚本中的httprequest语句来打开HTTP连接时,需要一个相应的httpdisconnect语句来关闭这个连接,这是十分重要的。
The OPEN CURSOR statement is executed as part of the FETCH process. OPENCURSOR语句作为FETCH过程的一部分执行。
Switch to the stored procedure editor ASSOC_PROC and pass the code between the cursor declaration and the cursor "OPEN" statement. 切换到存储过程编辑器ASSOCPROC并传递进指针声明和指针“OPEN”语句之间的那些代码。
The key ( or keys) are used to replace the parameter marker ( or markers) which were defined as part of the SQL statement string created in the RPG HANDLE_OPEN sub-procedure. 这个键(或多个键)用于替代这个参数标记(或多个标记),参数标记被定义为在RPGHANDLEOPEN子过程中创建的SQL语句字符串的一部分。
But the statement issued by the Federal Open Market Committee reiterated that Fed officials expect inflation to rebound as the labor market improves further and the transitory effect of lower energy prices and other factors dissipate. 联邦公开市场委员会(Federalopenmarketcommittee)发布的这份声明重申,随着劳动力市场进一步的改善,以及能源价格下降等因素的暂时性影响的消退,美联储官员预计通胀水平将出现反弹。
Our video conferencing equipment is based on global standards, so to suggest it is specifically open to abuse would be misleading, said a statement from the company's UK branch. 我们的视频会议设备都是符合国际标准的,因此暗示它们被用作特殊用途的做法是存在误导性的。华为英国分公司发表声明称。
Open the library that contains the document for which you want to view the policy statement. 打开包含您要查看其策略声明的文档的库。
When you open the view, the status bar shows the entire select statement that you created. 当您打开视图时,状态栏将显示创建的整条选择语句。
Faced with weak economic data and rising fears of a double-dip recession, the Federal Open Market Committee is is likely to ensure its policy is not containing growth and to use its statement to signal greater concern about the economy. 面对疲弱的经济数据以及人们对双底衰退与日俱增的担忧,联邦公开市场委员会(fomc)可能要确保其政策不会遏制增长,并利用其政策声明表达对美国经济更大的担忧。
Make sure you do not have any open quotation marks within the menu statement. 确保在menu语句内没有任何左引号。
"The Committee has recommended that an open offer ought to be for all the shares of the target company, to ensure equality of opportunity and fair treatment of all shareholders, big and small," said SEBI in a statement. “委员会建议,公开出价应面向目标公司内所有股份,以确保机会平等,对所有股东,不论大小,一视同仁,”sebi在声明中表示。
Returns file mode for files opened using the open statement 返回使用打开语句打开的文件的文件模式
Make sure there are no open quotes left from the preceding statement. 确保没有前一语句剩下的左引号。
Open a connection and call sqlallochandle to allocate statement handles. 打开一个连接,然后调用sqlallochandle以分配语句句柄。
Facing changeable environment of the market and fierce competition between the life insurance of internal and external capital company as well as between the life insurance company and the other financial enterprises, open market statement has brought a brand-new program to the development of Chinese life insurance. 面对不断变化的市场环境、日益激烈的内外资寿险公司之间以及寿险公司与其他金融企业之间的业务竞争,开放的市场状态给中国寿险业的发展带来了全新的课题。
Because of this, regarding IT listed companies as the research object, and basing on their open financial statement data, the paper tries to set up a simple and feasible evaluation system of growth of IT listed companies. 基于此,本文以IT行业上市公司为研究对象,以其公开的财务报表数据为依据,试图建立一种简单可行的上市公司成长性的评价体系。
Open Debate is the process of free and equal citizens or their representatives use public reason for the statement of reasons each other and try to reach mutual agreement. 公开辩论是自由、平等的公民或其代表公开利用理性相互陈述理由并力图达成一致意见的过程。
Hearing system in China since the establishment of the Administrative Procedure Act, which in an open statement, the burden of proof, cross-examination, the debate has been characterized by the adoption of administrative and academic community. 听证制度在我国行政程序法设立以来,它以公开陈述、举证、质证、辩论的特点被行政学术界认可和采纳。